The ArQuives Digital Exhibitions

Browse Items (41 total)

Safety Watch Oct 9 1994.jpeg
A safety watch providing details about an assault on two men on Gerrard Street across from Jorgenson Hall.

Rye to hold its first gay dance Nov 29 1989.jpeg
A newspaper article on Lesbians and Gays at Ryerson's first public gay dance in 1989.

RU D3 sticker.jpg
A sticker produced by RyeSAC (later renamed the RSU) reading "Diverse," "Defiant," and "Divine."

A newspaper article about men calling themselves police attacking members of a gay social group.

Prof demands Apr 11 1985.jpg
A letter to the Eyeopener from Professor John Hunter refuting biblical arguments against homosexuality and defending his development of courses relating to the gay community at the School of Social Work.

LGBTQ Positive Space sticker.jpeg
A sticker that reads "lesbian gay transgendered bisexual queer POSITIVE SPACE," produced for the positive space campaign, which aimed to create spaces on campus where LGBTQ students felt comfortable.

Out of the closet Oct 13 2010 Eye.jpg
A newspaper article describing the TMU's LGBTQ2+ community's experiences on and off campus.

Punam Khosla was the coordinator of the Desh Pardesh festival from the second festival in 1991 to 1993. She headed the festival with clear political goals, which often clashed with other organizers of the event but she was not willing to compromise…

Jeanne Transcript.pdf
Jeanne is an activist and retired bookkeeper and secretary. She was born in 1924, the youngest and only girl of five siblings and grew up and lived for a major part of her life in Toronto. At the time of the interview she was back living with her…

DP019 - Michelle (Final Transcript).pdf
Mohabeer discusses her experience of moving to Canada during the 1970s, when racism, sexism and homophobia were rampant. She also discusses briefly her experience as a Pakistani person in a time where Paki-bashing was common place. Mohabeer then goes…
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