The ArQuives Digital Exhibitions

Oral Histories

Oral History Interview with Alan Belaiche

Interview conducted by Colin Darling on March 11, 2021 in celebration of the Pride and Remembrance Run's 25th anniversary.

"Overall, the run is [about] taking the exuberance of pride and tempering it with the sobriety of remembrance. As a kick-off to Pride weekend, I think it really resonated for a lot people."

Alan Belaiche

Oral History Interview with Kathleen Wynne

Interview conducted by Colin Darling on March 23, 2021 in celebration of the Pride and Remembrance Run's 25th anniversary.

"It's hard to maintain spaces where a whole range of ages and stages [of life] can be together. [...] It's good for young queer people to see old queer people. It's important for young people to see how bodies age, that you can get older and still be healthy and still get out and about."

Kathleen Wynne

Oral History Interview with Bernardine Perreira

Interview conducted by Colin Darling on March 19, 2021 in celebration of the Pride and Remembrance Run's 25th anniversary. 

"It’s all about the community."

Bernardine Perreira

Oral History Interview with Mikael Dam

Interview conducted by Colin Darling on March 19, 2021 in celebration of the Pride and Remembrance Run's 25th anniversary.

"First of all, you create a welcoming space. You create a safe space. You create a brave space for people to come to."

Mikael Dam

Oral History Interview with Chris Brohman

Interview conducted by Colin Darling on April 9, 2021 in celebration of the Pride and Remembrance Run's 25th anniversary.

"The Pride and Remembrance Run is a community-focused, fun, 'don't-take-yourself-too-seriously' event that anyone can participate in no matter what their athletic ability is."

Chris Brohman

Oral Histories